Paper, Planes & Pinot

In Other Words… Stationery, Travel, and All Else that Matters

Weekly Reads – 1.9.15

Helllllo! I am super excited to be back on Paper, Planes & Pinot after a lovely break.   Over the past few weeks I have spent quality time with friends and family, traveled, relaxed, celebrated, and focused on creative projects. Now I am back, refreshed, and ready for 2015 to be a GREAT year!

This past week I started to get myself settled back into the real world. I headed back to work, and although I decided to opt out of buying a meal plan this semester, I am still reaping the benefits of meal discounts!

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Now for some awesome reads that I have been stock piling during my little break… you didn’t think that I took a break from browsing blogs did you?!  NO WAY!

One of the stops for the beau and I during the holidays was Austin, TX. We had an awesome galavanting through 6th street on New Year’s Eve! Although I didn’t have this list during our time in the Lone Star State, I was happy to see that we actually crossed off a handful of things on Domaine Home’s Locals-Only Guide to Austin!

When I wasn’t jetsetting I spent a good amount of time lounging in my new robe (a Christmas gift from the beau). No doubt, streaming Friends on Netflix went hand in hand with lounging. I totes had the same thoughts as Total Sorority Move while watching.

Is it weird that I now think that I MUST start to make Moscow Mules at home because I ADORE the mugs? No? You too?  Well, A Pinch of Lovely shared this Cranberry Moscow Mule recipe to shake things up a bit!

Since we are on the topic of alcohol, Betches Love This shared an awesome dessert… Bourbon Balls! The bourbon girl in me cannot wait to try this out!

Another great dessert that caught my eye were these Turtle Cookie Bars on The Shabby Creek Cottage. I’ll most likely be whipping these up in my kitchen over the weekend!

And now it is time for the inevitable hot chocolate portion of my Weekly Reads post! After going to Serendipity 3 in NYC, I now have an OBSESSION with Frozen Hot Chocolate. Say Yes shared this recipe, so now I can have this deliciousness at home! And since I kept you waiting for some time, why not make this a double whammy and provide two hot chocolate links? Here is a Gingerbread Hot Chocolate recipe from A Beautiful Mess! YUM!

I got the Camilla Styles Entertaining book this Christmas from my Godmother. It was the PERFECT GIFT!  After reading it, of course I read it immediately, one tip that really stuck out was the idea making dishes that won’t stress you out pre-party. Don’t get me wrong, the food in the booked looked DELISH, but the recipes shared definitely kept stress off  of the hostess. Going along with this mantra, I found a couple of easy recipes while blog reading that I added to my recipe stash!   I got so excited when I saw these wonton wrapper appetizers on A Fabulous Fete. They look so classy, but are also super simple to put together. Also, the Shabby Creek Cottage shared an easy to make spinach dip. I am a dip kinda girl, so of course this caught my eye!

So I know it is a New Year and many of you may be jumpstarting your diet.  My past few links probably did not help your cause ,BUT I did find a couple links on Hello Natural for those of you on a health kick. First up, some tips on how to make a detox meal. I love these tips, because I feel like the meal ideas look quite appetizing! Also, I got a Ninja last year and I LOVE IT. I have 2 go-to recipes, but this formula for smoothies has given me the confidence to come up with my own concoctions!

I love tweed, and winter is the perfect time to wear it. It is thick, but also flattering. Brit + Co has a some GREAT tweed looks. I thought that I had enough tweed pieces in my closet, but this post makes me think that I need to invest in a handful more!

I love love love animal print. On my most recent trip to Europe I debated buying a leopard print coat from Top Shop. Ultimately I opted out because the price tag was hefty, and my luggage was short on space.  When scrolling through this post on La Dolce Vida I definitely regretted my choice of not splurging on that leopard coat. Maybe next time?!

I have already shared my obsession of books with you all. I got a few books for Christmas, and of course I have to add How to be a Parisian Wherever You Are to my MUST READ list. Thanks for the recommendation Elements of Style. Speaking of books, check out the awesome bookshelves on Brit + Co. I will def have to have something like this in my dream home!

I did do tons of research on my dream home during my break. The beau and I will not be buying a house anytime soon, but I love day dreaming. These walk-in closets on The Fox and She are To. Die. For. Also, I would LOVE to have a wall like this one on La Dolce Vita. Growing up my family had a mirror wall in our den. I loved seeing my reflection while dancing or making funny faces. This room would totally incorporate a part of my childhood in my dream home.

But what décor ideas can I bring to life now? First off, you already know that I love patterns on patterns. After incorporating that idea into my stationery and my outfit choices, it only seems natural to incorporate it into décor… right? These ideas on mixing textures and patterns on Brit + Co are a great way to change up your decor home!

I have always wanted to have a wine tasting party, but this idea on Fashionable Hostess takes things to the next level. A wine and chocolate tasting party? Yes please!

Party hosting has obviously been on my mind. The beau and I are looking to move somewhere more party accommodating this year since our current apartment is short on entertaining space. Whenever we move I plan on making this DIY serving tray on A Beautiful Mess … it would be perfect to serve guests with!

Another DIY project that caught my eye was this Guess Who game on Almost Makes Perfect. I mean – how fun would it be to play Guess Who if the people you are guessing are your friends?! SO FUN!

And lastly,

This post on Bored Panda took me back to my childhood. I LOOOVED all of these movies AND enjoyed looking for Mickey Mouse in these screen shots!


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